Hat tip to the blogs Skitzo Leezra and Marginal Revolution for the stories.
Evangelism in Northeast Pennsylvania and the world.
You can now talk with each other - we have a new, free, discussion and discovery community online. What are you learning? What's happening in your life, in your church? What do you wonder about? Sign up and start talking with each other, the coaches and me. You are coming up with GREAT ideas for using the Unbinding books - (I have listed 5 or 6 of them in my first message to the community - you can check it out when you sign up.) Here's how to sign up:Learn more here.
1. Go to www.GraceNet.info and click on "NEW: Unbinding the Gospel Community." (coaching pastors - the link is also on your pastor's home page)
From the Community page:
2. Create a Community profile for yourselves by clicking the "Register" link at the top right of the page (you don't need to use your real name for your screen name).
3. Accept the user agreement, create a username, password, enter your email address, and create a security question/answer in case you forget your password. For example, "What is your mother's middle name?" and "Penelope" or something like that. Then...
4. ...start "talking!" You'll see lots of topics you can talk about. Here's how: A string of written "discussion" is called a "thread" or "topic". Just go to the area of discussion that looks interesting to you. It's called a "forum." Some of the forums are "Prayer and spiritual leadership," "Planning an E-vent," "Challenges," "What's next?"
5. Click on the name of the forum. You'll be able to read what other people have written. All topics within that forum will be displayed in a list format with the newest topics showing at the top of the list. Want to read the full text or say something back? Click on the title of the thread you wish to read or respond to.
6. Want to say something? If you want to "talk" with someone who has already started a thread (said something!), click on the "POST REPLY" button in the upper right hand of your screen.
7. Want to start a new topic of conversation (a "new thread?") Click on a forum, then click on "new topic" and type away! Easy peasy, lemon squeezie!
The community will be available to everyone, not just coaching churches. Please tell your friends. (Forward this e-mail to them.) We pray that this will be helpful to everyone who is using, or thinking about using the Unbinding books. Let us know how it's going! Ask each other questions. If anyone has developed Week 3 of Heart children and youth resources, post them!!!! :-D Have fun. Let's get started!
Martha Grace
Typically our Ash Wednesday service have not been well attended a Grace Church, Kingston.
This year we tried something a little different. We moved the service time to six o'clock in the evening.
We eschewed our usual newspaper advertising in favor of our ongoing LED billboard.
The results were surprising. Sixty-seven souls showed up, versus forty-one last year.
More importantly, six of these people had NEVER been here before.
Quite gratifying.
We invite you to make your own 60-90 second video explaining why you are an Episcopalian and upload at the link here.The Episcopal Church is a big, colorful, vibrant church. We hope you will see that in the wide spectrum of its members represented here on this site.
In our Church you may touch ancient traditions and experience intelligent inquiry. It is an expansive Church, a loving Church, with strong ties to our roots as a nation. We are a thoughtful, inquiring, freedom-loving and welcoming body, and we thrive not only in the U.S., but also throughout Latin America, Asia and Europe.
We invite you to see and hear the very personal reasons we choose to be Episcopalians. Our controversies and conversations have been public. Our governance is transparent. You are free to see our imperfections, as well as share our joy in that which unites us - our openness, honesty and faith.
Santo Dios, tu Hijo nos llamó para cubrir el mundo entero con sus abrazo protector de salvación. Por tu Espíritu Santo danos compasión, propósito y energía para invitar a tu Iglesia a todos aquellos que todavía no conocen el poder transformador de tu amor. Pedimos esto en nombre de aquel que nos saco de la oscuridad a la luz, tu Hijo, nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Amén.